Messaging Development
Let CyberEdge lead an on-site messaging workshop with key product or service stakeholders, culminating in a message map to ensure all of your marketing communications reinforce consistent positioning, message pillars, and supporting proof points.
Creating messaging for your products and services that stands out in a crowded market is challenging, to say the least. Fortunately, CyberEdge can help. Our veteran product marketing consultants can lead an on-site messaging workshop with key stakeholders from your company with the goal of creating a product or service message map that contains:
- Product/service positioning phrase, sentence, and paragraph
- Three (or four if necessary) message pillars (i.e., key value proposition themes)
- Well-polished Proof point statements that correspond to each of the message pillars
For example, if one of your product’s message pillars is “Easy to Use,” then you may have proof point statements that correspond to those product attributes that support your ease-of-use assertion, such as installation wizards, customizable dashboards, report templates, and more.
Once you have a message map that everyone has approved, make it accessible to everyone inside and outside your organization responsible for creating marketing content. That way, you’re consistently reinforcing your product or service messaging pillars and associated proof points across all of your marketing communications, including:
- Website content
- Brochures
- Solution briefs
- Presentations
- eBooks
- Animated explainer videos
- Whiteboard animations
- Interactive infographics
There are many companies out there that provide assistance with messaging development and buyer persona development, which should be a prerequisite. So, why should cybersecurity vendors choose CyberEdge?
We’ve Got Deep Subject Matter Expertise
Unlike most messaging development firms that serve all kinds of companies (e.g., airlines, hotel chains, healthcare providers), CyberEdge is laser-focused on serving the marketing needs of cybersecurity vendors. Our veteran product marketing consultants average 15-20 years of experience and have deep subject matter expertise in virtually every cybersecurity industry segment, including network security, endpoint security, cloud security, identity and access management, security operations, and more. Our consultants’ subject matter expertise enables them to participate in deep, thoughtful discussion with you and your colleagues, ensuring that the content contained within your message map hits the mark.
We’re Cybersecurity Marketing Experts
All of the consultants who lead our message map workshops and who ultimately create the message map deliverables are previous heads of marketing and/or product marketing for cybersecurity vendors. They have forgotten more about messaging development then most technology marketers will learn in their lifetimes. Your consultant will follow field-proven best practices to ensure your message map is comprehensive, aligns with your core competitive advantages, and is extremely well written.
Are your buyer personas ready-to-go in support of your messaging development project? Interested in learning other ways that CyberEdge supports tech vendors with regard to marketing strategy and planning? Click on any of these related CyberEdge services to learn more:
“I’ve worked with CyberEdge since it was founded. Over the years, I’ve relied on CyberEdge for custom books and eBooks, white papers, competitive analysis, custom research, messaging and position, and website design and development. I’ve never encountered a marketing firm with so much expertise. CyberEdge is more than a vendor to me – they’re a strategic marketing partner.”
~ John Vecchi, CMO, Anitian