FAQs for Customers

What makes CyberEdge unique?

CyberEdge is unlike any marketing vendor you’ll ever find.  There are three things that make us unique:

  1. Deep bench strength.  CyberEdge is “a jack of all trades and a master of all.” That’s because our consultants are experienced contractors that specialize in many domains, including content development, graphic design, competitive analysis, market research, recruiting, and much more. Since our consultants are not employees, we can afford to offer virtually any service that a cybersecurity marketing executive might ever need.
  2. Broad services portfolio.  CyberEdge provides more than 75 services across 10 categories.  You would have to work with at least 10 vendors to obtain the services that we provide.
  3. Cybersecurity and industry expertise.  Our 50+ consultants have experience servicing cybersecurity vendors across virtually all industries and technology areas.  You will not find a marketing agency with broader expertise.  Period.

Which cybersecurity segments does CyberEdge serve?

CyberEdge serves all cybersecurity industry segments, including:

  • Network security
  • Endpoint security
  • Cloud security
  • Identity and access management
  • Security operations, and more.

How does CyberEdge compare to a traditional marketing agency?

Traditional marketing agencies are limited in the services they provide—usually creative marketing services, such as branding, graphic design, and non-technical content development.  Sure, we do those things, but much, much more.

Why are CyberEdge’s consultants all contractors rather than employees?

That’s the “edge” in CyberEdge! Since we exclusively work with contractors, we have enormous bench strength that spans virtually all cybersecurity industry categories! Plus, it helps to keep costs down, making us much more affordable than many of our pure-play competitors.

Is there anything that CyberEdge can’t do?

The only marketing-related service that we don't provide is public relations. We're not a PR firm. But pretty much everything else in the realm of marketing, we do and do very well.

You’re working for my competitor. Why should I trust CyberEdge?

Think of us like Gartner. Gartner works with virtually every cybersecurity vendor under the sun, but maintains client confidentiality with each vendor. In that regard, we’re the same. But in practice, the vast majority of our services don’t require access to confidential information. And in those instances we do, we’re glad to sign your standard non-disclosure agreement. CyberEdge is adamant about maintaining client confidentiality. The fact that we work with your competitor just means that we have established experience and expertise in your industry.

Do you offer “ghost writing” or must everything you create be branded as “CyberEdge”?

Over 90% of CyberEdge’s project deliverables are branded by our clients.  We ghost-write content for our clients every day.

Do you typically work on a project or retainer basis?

At least 80% of our customer engagements are project-based, encompassing a fixed-priced statement of work (SOW).  Approximately 20% of our engagements are consultants working for customers on monthly, weekly, and pay-as-you-go retainers.

How do I know my consultant will be available for follow-on projects?

All of our project-based consultants are “career contractors,” meaning they’re not in between jobs.  They’ve chosen freelance consulting as a lifestyle and are not seeking permanent employment. Thus, once you’ve developed trust and rapport with your CyberEdge consultant, he or she will likely be available to you for many years to come.

Once I sign my SOW, how quickly can my consultant get started?

Our consultants are usually booked 2-3 weeks in advance. If time is of the essence, it’s best to execute your SOW sooner rather than later.

Does CyberEdge work with non-cybersecurity vendors?

CyberEdge’s sister company, LeadingEdge Group, serves all technology vendors outside the cybersecurity industry.

How do I schedule a consultation?

That’s easy.  Give us a call at 800-327-8711, drop us an email at [email protected], or complete the Request a Consultation form below.