
Your eBook, Your Way

eBooks provide an excellent way for customers and prospects to gain a deeper perspective on your products, solutions, partnerships, and various topics of the day. With eBooks, you’re generating and/or nurturing leads while simultaneously gaining thought leadership.

CyberEdge has authored hundreds of eBooks on topics related to:

  • Product overview
  • Product architecture
  • Product use cases
  • Industry solutions
  • Regulatory compliance
  • Buyer’s guide
  • Evaluator’s guide
  • Integration guide
  • ROI / TCO analysis
  • Topics of the day

Whether your internal content creation resources are oversubscribed, or your internal subject matter experts lack writing ability, CyberEdge can help.

The CyberEdge Advantage

  • 100% dedicated to serving IT security vendors
  • Content created by cybersecurity subject matter experts
  • Faster ramp-up time and headache-free review cycles
  • Access to talented graphic designers and messaging strategists
  • Ability to “bank” funds up front and use them later
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“What impresses me most about CyberEdge is their consultants’ in-depth knowledge of our industry. No matter what project I throw their way, CyberEdge always hits the mark."
Jon Brody
Veteran Cybersecurity CMO