Content Syndication

Standard Leads
One-touch leads who align with your company’s target demographics and firmographics.

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ABM Leads
One-touch leads who align with your target demographics and target account list.

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Purchase Intent Leads
One-touch leads from companies with demonstrated purchase intent for your product category.

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Marketing-qualified Leads

Two-touch campaign to generate warm leads who downloaded both of two content assets.

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Sales-qualified Leads

Two-touch campaign to generate hot leads from companies with active buying cycles.

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Unprecedented Global Reach

CyberEdge has access to more than 150 million B2B professionals in 75+ countries across six continents. We collaborate with dozens of lead generation partners around the world to conduct targeted content syndication campaigns and to promote our single- and multi-vendor webinars. No other cybersecurity marketing firm comes close to CyberEdge’s global reach.

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The CyberEdge Advantage

  • 100% dedicated to serving cybersecurity vendors
  • High-quality leads at CPLs you can afford
  • Five different content syndication options
  • Access to 150 million+ B2B professionals in 75+ countries
  • Fully compliant with all government regulations
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Download CyberEdge's 2024 Media Kit

Gain visibility into CyberEdge's geographic reach, audience demographics and firmographics, and more by downloading our latest media kit.

Webinar: Introduction to Content Syndication

Looking for a fresh new approach to generate qualified leads based on target demographics and firmographics?

“We’ve partnered with CyberEdge on more than two-dozen content syndication campaigns throughout North America, Europe, Asia, Australia, and Latin America. CyberEdge is easy to work with, they’re price competitive, their geographic reach is amazing, and the quality of their leads is outstanding.”
Christina Kazle
Sr. Manager, Product Marketing