Sales Playbooks

Equip your sales team with comprehensive sales playbooks to help them target ideal prospects, defeat the competition, shorten sales cycles, and close more deals.

An effective sales playbook is essential for any cybersecurity vendor sales team. It’s more than a series of call scripts and selling sheets. It’s a comprehensive guide for prospecting ideal target customers, defeating the competition, shortening sales cycles, and closing deals.

Key sections typically found in sales playbooks include:

  • Elevator Pitch
  • Product / Service overview
  • Prospecting Strategies
  • Defeating the Competition
  • Selling Strategies

For a comprehensive list of sales playbook topics, connect to our blog.

The Ultimate Sales Playbook for Cybersecurity Vendors
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We’re Fluent in Cybersecurity

CyberEdge is laser-focused on serving the content creation needs of cybersecurity vendor marketing teams. Our veteran product marketing consultants average 15-20 years of experience creating content for technology vendors. And we're experienced across all industry segments, including network security, endpoint security, cloud security, identity and access management, security operations, and more.

Minimal Ramp-up Time

Our expert consults require little ramp-up time. They’re coming into your engagement with foundational knowledge of the cybersecurity industry. They just need to be oriented to your company’s unique value proposition.

Faster and Easier Review Cycles

A common frustration cybersecurity vendors have when working with contractors is lengthy and painful review cycles. In some cases, they make so many edits that it would have been easier to write the sales playbook in-house in the first place! With CyberEdge, your review cycles will be quick and easy. As our consultants already have technical foundations and extensive industry experience, edits are typically minimal.


Need help defeating the competition? Or perhaps creating content or generating leads?

Click any of these related CyberEdge services to learn more:

"In all my years of working with outside contractors, I’ve never seen a stronger first draft. Our marketing consultant asked all the right questions to understand our offering inside and out. And our graphic design consultant was absolutely fantastic and eager to please. This was the easiest project I’ve ever experienced in my 20-year career."

~ Lisa Remsa, Demand Generation Marketing Lead, Exostar

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